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Nothing could be dearer to my heart I have spent much time in Africa and given help to those animals. I am so proud my name is mentioned in connection with your film, Wild Daze. I hope I get to watch you receive the Oscar. Cecilia DeMille Presley,, Executive Producer Wild Daze

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The animals of this planet deserve our support not because their lives are beautiful to witness for humans, but their lives are beautiful to themselves.  It is a joy to support those who see the intrinsic value of all life, such as the crew behind Wild Daze. Ari Nessel, The Pollination Project

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I love this movie. And when filmmaker Phyllis Stuart contacted me to join the Virtual Cinema Campaign for her new documentary film Wild Daze, I had no choice but to say, 'Yes’.  Richard Paradise,, Programmer, Boulder Environmental / Nature / Outdoors Film Festival 

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Phyllis Stuart was definitely on a journey while filming Wild Daze. By sharing the beauty of Africa while revealing the dire and potentially irrevocable consequences caused by mankind, Stuart wants her film to opens the eyes of the viewers and warns them of what could happen if we do not do all we can to turn the tide against this ecocide. Albuquerque Journal

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Wild Daze represents a shot across the bow of complacency, a wake up call that it’s not too late but that wild things in wild places need our help now more than ever. One of the most difficult battles we must face is fighting complacency. If the world either forgets the plight of elephants and other wildlife or believes it is a sad inevitability that we will lose our wild things in our wild places then our job gets so much harder. Mike Korchinsky, Founder Wildlife Works

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Wild Daze is very powerful and important. And beautifully made! Kate Amend, Emmy Nominated Editor & Academy Governor Documentary Branch Member

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Viewers interested in learning more about wildlife conservation, the poaching crisis of elephants and rhinoceroses, Africa, global economics, international crime and terrorism, will engage with this film. Picture This Post

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Wild Daze amps up the spotlight on this poaching issue with a sobering, accessible lens we can't afford to ignore. Some of the deadliest armed conflicts and terrorist networks on the planet thrive off of ivory and horn trafficking, and use many of the same international trade routes, commercial facilitation, and money-laundering mechanisms as the world's most menacing drug cartels. Holly Dranginis, Enough Project

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Wild Daze is an extraordinary movie. It is the kind of film that becomes an Oscar darling because it provokes and compels the viewer to take action. Rather than just tugging on your heartstrings, filmmaker and director Phyllis Stuart presents compelling information in the form of provocative and insightful interviews and compelling visuals that together, deliver a one-two punch to the gut of the viewer, leaving the audience in awe of such magnificent animals that they want to stand up and do something to protect pachyderms from the threat of extinction. Its Just

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A fantastic and stunning documentary, Wild Daze shows us how to be more harmonious with nature. What started off as something that was against big game hunting evolved into a project that focused on the peoples of the continent, the desire for biodiversity and how humans need to be one with the planet, Fanboy Nation 

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Far too many Americans know little to nothing about Africa, or how the devastation of African wildlife and natural ecosystems impacts us. But we are connected on this pretty globe and saving African forests is vital to abating climate change. So, if the headlines don’t get people’s attention, maybe Wild Daze will galvanize them.  Greg Laemmle,  Laemmle Theatres

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I’m very excited that WILD DAZE is getting all the attention it deserves. It’s a film that’s dear to my heart, it's a hidden gem documentary film.  

Kelly Clement, Documentary Programmer

Mill Valley Film Festival



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