Sequestering Carbon by protecting existing forests has made Wildlife Works a leader in REDD+. They have funneled and directly managed millions of dollars of private sector funds into forest conservation projects on the the ground in developing countries, working directly with government entities. Wildlife Works provides expertise to REDD+ projects all over the world, both as consultants and project developers.
Saving Habitat is crucial to species survival. Every single organism depends directly or indirectly on trees for their survival. Trees and forests are the foundation of biodiversity, which is essential to the cycle of life. Trees provide food, shelter, medicine and clean our air. Trees absorb carbon and release oxygen, hydrate our air and filter our water. They are also an essential part of the ecosystem that support natural flood and landslide control.

Forests provide crucial benefits, but we are losing a forest area the size of New York City every 48 hours.
The destruction of forests is the second largest source of CO2 emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector.

In 1997, Mike Korchinsky founded Wildlife Works with a mission to create a market-based solution for wildlife conservation that provided real, sustainable development to local communities. For wildlife to survive, we must ensure the locals living with wildlife also receive financial benefits.
REDD+ stands for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
Carbon neutral status is commonly achieved in two ways: Balancing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, with renewable energy OR it's done by carbon offsetting: (paying others to remove or sequester 100% of the carbon dioxide emitted from the atmosphere, usually by planting trees, by funding 'carbon projects' that should lead to the prevention of future greenhouse gas emissions, and / or by buying carbon credits.
The REDD+ carbon marketplace has financed conservation projects all over the world. Deforestation is responsible for 10% – 15% of all global warming emissions. ​ If we can stop deforestation globally, it would result in 30% of the emissions reductions needed to maintain our global temperature increase below two degrees centigrade.
It is time to say so.
Protecting and interconnecting at least half of the planet’s land and water is necessary to sustain the health, function, and diversity of all life.
The Wild Foundation created this science-based, practical and aspirational vision that advances a reciprocal, balanced relationship between people and nature. Its aim is to ensure that enough wild land and seascapes are protected and interconnected (scientifically estimated to be at least half of any given ecoregion) to maintain nature’s life-supporting systems and the diversity of life on Earth.